A Praise Report from the Strangest Six Months Ever

The past six months have been challenging, surprising, and totally weird. Yet I think we should step back and notice the ways God has been at work. Here are 11 ways I have seen God moving us forward as a church in the past six months.

Raymond LaChance plays his sax at our first outdoor worship service on June 7th

Raymond LaChance plays his sax at our first outdoor worship service on June 7th

1. Worship: The pandemic did not stop our worship. We’ve continued to praise together, pray together, and learn from God’s Word together. From March 22nd to May 31st, we were all-online. In June, we began to gather in person again. Through the summer we enjoyed worshiping outdoors (and in the church on rainy days). Every Sunday, people stepped up to make it happen. I was amazed at the adaptability that everyone showed with the constantly changing plans.

2. Serving the community: Members of our church (you know who you are!) made over 1,000 facemasks that we offered free to anyone in the community. We have continued to give to the Georgia Food Shelf and provide meals to Martha’s Kitchen once a month (also, you know who you are!). We had a “car parade” in May, driving through several Georgia neighborhoods to spread joy and love.

A handmade mask

A handmade mask

3. Financial stability: When the shutdown started in March, we were concerned about how our church would fare financially. So far, not only have tithes and offerings continued steadily, but they have increased YTD from 2019. God is faithful.

4. Faithful servants: These times have demanded more from volunteers and leaders. Yet you have stepped up with consistent dedication, flexibility, and willingness to serve. You all know who you are. Thank you.

5. Extending our reach: Through our livestream, we have had many “virtual visitors” who have tuned in to worship with us and hear the Word. Those who previously could not participate due to illness or travel can now join with us on Sundays. We plan to continue the livestream even when (or if) things get back to normal. We’re learning the importance of virtual hospitality.

From a sermon on Matthew 28:18-20

From a sermon on Matthew 28:18-20

6. Home groups launched: In September and October we launched 6 Home Groups to provide spaces for people to grow in friendship and in discipleship. These have been meeting in homes, at the JMMY Center, or on Zoom.

7. Rebuilding membership structures: Since February, a small committee appointed by the church has been meeting over Zoom to clarify and revise our policies surrounding membership. The goal is for the practice of membership to be simple, clear, faithful to Scripture, and doable for our church. We hope to have a plan by the end of the year to present for feedback.

8.  New faces: Even during the pandemic, we have seen new people come and begin to be integrated into the life of the church family.

9.  Growing our faith: We have all experienced new levels of anxiety and uncertainty. Will we be OK? What will life look like? How will this affect our jobs, our families, our church? These questions have driven us to a more robust trust in God.  

10.  Creative problem-solving: COVID-19 has given us many problems to solve. How can we worship together online? How can we gather safely? How can we provide Sunday School? By God’s grace, we have risen to the occasion. We’ve become more familiar with technologies like Zoom and Facebook to connect. Much of what we have learned will go with us into the future.

11.  Focusing on what’s important: As difficult as the last 6 months have been, I believe that God has used this massive disruption to help us focus on what really matters. We have been reminded that the church is not our building; even when we can’t go to church, we are the church. We are learning to focus on our relationships and discipleship beyond the Sunday service. Our times of isolation have made us realize how precious our relationships are. And through all of this, Jesus has been as dependably life-giving and joy-bringing as ever, reminding us that nothing can separate us from his love.


How have you seen the Lord work in your own life over the past six months?